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The Art of Grooming: A Guide to Men’s Hair Cream

The Art of Grooming: A Guide to Men’s Hair Cream

A guide to hair cream discussing hair care, hair styling, and how to choose styling products for all men’s hair types from the world’s oldest...

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Truefitt & Hill Turns 214 Years Old Today!

Truefitt & Hill Turns 214 Years Old Today!

October has always been a month of celebrations at Truefitt & Hill and although we are not ones to blow our own party whistle, turning...

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London Calling: The Royal Warrant

London Calling: The Royal Warrant

We explore the birthplace of Truefitt & Hill and experience St.James, the home of England's most historic, esteemed brands.

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A First Proper Wet Shave

A First Proper Wet Shave

Read a customer testimonial that takes you on a step-by-step journey through the process of his first proper wet shave with a blade at Truefitt...

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